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With a strong science and innovation foundation, MBT® has a unique approach that understands the human benefits of health, wellness and staying on the move. We know our consumers have realistic health and fitness ambitions. They want to maintain a healthy lifestyle which enables them to live and love life to the fullest.

However, for many the pursuit of living a more active lifestyle is difficult. The packed nature of our busy schedules means that healthy activity gets squeezed out by life commitments. MBT® wants to break the start-stop cycle of broken health and fitness resolutions by working with the reality of today’s consumer. When wearing MBT® shoes, whether standing or walking, one can’t help but be “on the move” due to its patented construction.

So whether you are going for a walk or just standing there, you’re on the move. And if you just happen to want to look mighty cool in the process, we understand that too. It’s only human

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